Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Some school stuff

I just started the final semester of my juco career,(did I mention that I’m going to UC Berkeley next spring? I should have taped the dance I did when I found out, it was epic). As such I am tempted to post a few of the tiny little things of which I am reminded every time a new school year begins:

  • Riding the bus sucks: In high school, I never rode the school bus to school, because I didn’t live in my district. I rode public transit every day which was easily the most terrifying thing about high school for me. At any moment, a fight could break out in the back, (or the front), a mentally handicapped person could try to hit on you (true story), some random person could ask you to sing (also a true story), or various other odd occurrences, which would be funny if they weren’t happening to you. Anyway, as an older, taller, more sarcastic person than I was in high school, the bus still sucks, but for different reasons. Mainly now that I’m in my 20’s and trying to be a responsible adult, my problem is teenagers, and the fact that kids today are just idiots. Now I should probably qualify that by saying that I know quite a few teenagers who are pretty smart, respectful individuals, but they are definitely the minority, and now that I’m not one I just wish that they would stop being so obnoxious. They talk too loud, don’t have any self-awareness, and seem obsessed with writing on the bus(seriously?! no one knows who you are, nor will they care that you were at some point on this bus, if nothing else this should serve as a sad reminder that the youth of today are our future)
  • People at the juco level just don’t care: Sadly I’m not just talking about the teenagers, who clearly don’t care, or they would probably be at a four year institution. I’m also talking about the adults, both those of us in our 20’s who haven’t finished and those who for whatever reason have decided to come back to school, though the system is decidedly worse than it was when they were school-aged. Anyway, it strikes me that these people should definitely be attentive, since they have less aptitude for learning new things (that’s just science) and yet without fail, there is a whole row of people of all ages that insists on showing up late for no good reason, and either having full-volume conversations during lectures, or monopolizing the class time with a series of mind-bogglingly stupid/ irrelevant questions. I hope desperately that this spring will bring a different experience for me, but I doubt that more each day.


Seriously, why even show up?

  • School Sucks: Not the idea of it, but the current system is absolutely useless. I know it seems odd that I say this despite wanting to be a teacher, but I firmly believe that the problem is not insurmountable, it just takes good teachers. However I’m not going to get all preachy on this one, as I’ve clearly done that above. Instead, I’ll let someone else do it…
    Overall, I think that that’s mostly what I’ve been reminded of over the past week, although I’m sure I’ll have more to say at some other time.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I stumbled across your blog I find this post to be very insightful. I totally agree with you. Congrats on getting into UC Berkeley. I live in a tiny city in the Canadian north & go to a mediocre university, so reading about students that go to "good" schools makes me happy.


So what do you think?