The longer I persist, against all reason, to blog, the more apparent certain things about me become. Things such as my fundamental laziness. You see, this post was going to be in list form, because everybody loves a good list, but me being genuinely distressed by the idea of having to reach the five inches from my laptop to my mouse, decided I should just go paragraph. Sadly, I also know the html tags for lists, but again, in an effort to avoid superfluous typing, (made all the more ridiculous by my use of words like "superfluous") I figured I'd stick with the basic structure. So here is a minor gripe session about why I blog, and what I've learned so far.
Among the things being made apparent, though less so, is my inability to finish tiny things that I begin. At this moment, I can call to mind a few things that I intended to do because of my light class load, among which are: read Tolstoy, start jogging, get into True Blood, finish Battlestar Galactica, learn a new language, read Milton, write more often, seriously work on submissions to lit/poetry mags, get a job/step my overall game up, and eat more fruit. Sadly, I've accomplished one of those things since I started this blog, and it had nothing to do with books, or my eventual career goal of talking about books all day. Although, I am at least still working on learning Mandarin Chinese, so there's that.
Also, I realized how humble I am. That sounds weird because it obviously seems like a modest person wouldn't say they were modest, they'd just be modest, but seriously, as high as my opinion of myself is (and believe me, it's pretty high), I hate telling people that I have a blog. Seriously, I'm a bit shocked at even the small number of followers I have, as I really don't enjoy the advertising necessary to popularize one of these things. Part of that is due to me being aware that I like poetry and books, while most of the people I know like Tyler Perry (seriously, his work is the opposite of good), meaning I am aware of how small a niche I'm writing for. The other part is due to not wanting to sound like a douche by talking about my blog, and saying things like, "as a blogger..." So thanks to the eight of you that I haven't known since I was like 3, largely for doing the legwork to find this obscure corner of cyberspace.
And finally, I realized recently that, without an English class, I don't feel like writing. It's not that I have writer's block, I have plenty of ideas, it's just that I am entirely uninspired to write by anything that happens to me these days. On the plus side, at least I know I picked the right major (I strongly resisted the urge to pun there, you're welcome). Sigh, I feel like I should have some grand and brilliant point to what I just typed, but alas, I do not. That is all.
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